Одинокие разработчики-гении или команда хорошистов?

23 июнь, 2011 - 07:50Александр Москалюк

Основатель журнала Fast Company жалуется на современный иконостас софтверной индустрии – сверхпродуктивных разработчиков:

If you are building a company, would you prefer one standout person over one hundred pretty good people? If you were launching a technology or developing a product, would you rather have five great engineers rather than 1,000 average engineers?

Вроде как всегда нужно выбирать вторую опцию, но непонятно, будь Тейлор в позиции гендиректора или президента софтверного бизнеса, тратился бы он на сотню средних по рынку зарплат или одну, но очень высокую?

После чего идет ссылка на особенности менеджмента футбольного клуба "Барселона":

Recently, The Economist published a brilliant little essay on the "management secrets" of FC Barcelona, universally considered the best soccer team in the world, perhaps of all time. "How has a club that is based in one of Europe’s unemployment blackspots turned itself into the ruling power in the world’s most popular sports?" the magazine asked. "An obvious answer is that Barca plays as a team in a sport that has far too many prima donnas…Barca has provided a distinctive solution to some of the most contentious problems in management theory. What is the right balance between stars and the rest of mankind?"