О монополии Facebook

24 февраль, 2017 - 10:35Sergey Petrenko

Очень интересная статья – реакция известного аналитика Бена Томпсона на манифест Марка Цукерберга:

Today the fundamental impact of the Internet is to make distribution itself a cheap commodity – or in the case of digital content, completely free. And that, by extension, is why I have long argued that the Internet Revolution is as momentous as the Industrial Revolution: it is transforming how and where economic value is generated, and thus where power resides:

In this brave new world, power comes not from production, not from distribution, but from controlling consumption: all markets will be demand-driven; the extent to which they already are is a function of how digitized they have become.

This is why most Facebook-fail-fundamentalists so badly miss the point: that the company pays nothing for its content is not a weakness, it is a reflection of the fundamental reality that the supply of content (and increasingly goods) is infinite, and thus worthless; that the company is not essential to the distribution of products is not a measure of its economic importance, or lack thereof, but a reflection that distribution is no longer a differentiator. And last of all, the fact that communication is possible on other platforms is to ignore the fact that communication will always be easiest on Facebook, because they own the social graph. Combine that with the fact that controlling consumption is about controlling billions of individual consumers, all of whom will, all things being equal, choose the easy option, and you start to appreciate just how dominant Facebook is.

Given this reality, why would Zuckerberg want to be President? He is not only the CEO of Facebook, he is the dominant shareholder as well, answerable to no one. His power and ability to influence is greater than any President subject to political reality and check-and-balances, and besides, as Zuckerberg made clear last week, his concern is not a mere country but rather the entire world.

Тут надо понимать, что содержание статьи – не простое «Facebook рулит миром и мы все умрем», как иногда приходится встречать в современной журналистике. Тем более, что автор не просто констатирует и анализирует факты, но и предлагает вполне очевидное решение – обеспечить переносимость социального графа между социальными сетями.

Мне при этом вспоминается довольно старое предложение Илюши Сегаловича, когда он предлагал сделать открытыми поведенческие данные в поиске. Впрочем, оно тогда не было услышано. Сомневаюсь, что похожее предложение сейчас, когда никакой второй социальной сети, могущей, по крайней мере, отстаивать такое предложение и реализовать его у себя, нет и не предвидится.

О монополии Facebook